Please take two minutes to sign a petition to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a major cosponsor of the GENIUS Act supporting cryptomining.

Cryptomining Harms Communities Across the Country

Across the country, cryptomining operations are consuming massive amounts of energy, driving up utility costs, polluting air and water, and disrupting neighborhoods – yet the industry remains largely unregulated. Backed by deep-pocketed interests, cryptomining companies have pushed through “right-to-mine” laws that prioritize corporate profits over public well-being.

What is Proof-of-Work Cryptomining

Proof-of-work (PoW) cryptomining is a way of validating cryptocurrency transactions that requires significant power and energy. Cryptocurrency doesn’t need proof-of-work cryptomining to survive, alternatives exist – Ethereum, the world’s second largest cryptocurrency, transitioned away from PoW, reducing its energy usage by 99.95%. Bitcoin now accounts for the vast majority of PoW mining.

What Can We Do About It?

Join us! Today, our coalition and expertise extends to 17 states – we can help provide information, support you in setting up your own chapter, and support your local advocacy efforts to fight back against the cryptomining industry. Reach out at